
R&Mgainedmarketleadership(=soldmoregoodsthanothercompanies)bysellingproductsthatwereofsuperiorquality.R&M公司因産品質量優良在市場上佔據了主導 ...,thepositionorfactofbeingaleader:Thecompanyhasstrongleadershipandaccountabilityupanddowntheline.,2022年6月27日—Insimplewords,leadershipisabouttakingrisksandchallengingthestatusquo.Leadersmotivateotherstoachievesomethingnewandbetter.,Leadership...

LEADERSHIP in Traditional Chinese

R&M gained market leadership (= sold more goods than other companies) by selling products that were of superior quality. R&M公司因産品質量優良在市場上佔據了主導 ...

LEADERSHIP | English meaning

the position or fact of being a leader: The company has strong leadership and accountability up and down the line.

What is Leadership? Definition, Meaning & Importance

2022年6月27日 — In simple words, leadership is about taking risks and challenging the status quo. Leaders motivate others to achieve something new and better.


Leadership, both as a research area and as a practical skill, encompasses the ability of an individual, group, or organization to lead, influence, ...

Understanding Leadership

Leadership is the accomplishment of a goal through the direction of human assistants. The man who successfully marshals his human collaborators to achieve ...

What is leadership

2022年8月17日 — Leadership is a set of behaviors used to help people align their collective direction, to execute strategic plans, and to continually renew ...

Leadership Definition & Meaning

2024年2月21日 — The meaning of LEADERSHIP is the office or position of a leader. How to use leadership in a sentence.

What Is Leadership?

Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of people to influence and guide followers or members of an organization, society or team.

What Is Leadership?

2023年1月27日 — Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal. In a business setting, this can mean directing ...